Help setting up Mac with Certs and Provisioning Profiles Again
Hi... My name is Tom. I've been publishing a few GameSalad apps for over 5 years but never really understood a lot of the certs/keys/profiles part of Mac publishing. I just sort of hit buttons, crossed my fingers, and things usually worked.
About a month ago I accidentally updated to High Sierra (oops) and now my certs and keys and all that signing crap seems to be a little messed up. I just don't have a broad enough understanding to fix it all. I have an active Apple Dev account. Would anyone be willing to remote into my Mac and either cleanup and re-setup all my keychain stuff or at least walk me through it while I do the clicking?
Looks like I now have multiple iOS Distribution Certificates, none of which have a private key. I have no idea how to give those certificates a private key or, really, what any of that even means.
And, yes, I will gladly pay a fair price for this..... Send me a reply or message.. thanks!