Looking for help with a few projects! ($$Revenue Share$$)

fturner19fturner19 Member, PRO Posts: 20

We are in need for some additional developers familiar with their way around Gamesalad to help us pull our projects together.
Currently we're working on 5 projects that we would like to complete and publish to all the marketplaces, but we're
fairly new to GameSalad and it's taking us a lot of time figuring out how to add the features to our projects, and that's
why we're offering a (Revenue Share) to everyone that help us bring our games to the marketplaces.

For all inquiries email us at : [email protected]......
Subject line should say: "GameSalad Revenue Share", so that we can identify all that's interested in the project!

Thank you all for your time and we hope to here from you soon!


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